Happy Anniversary House!!!
7:32 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
Today I have officially owned my house for a year !!!! (I haven't lived in it for a year yet, but she's belonged to me...and yes my house is a she.) I can't believe it's already been a year...it has most definitely flown by! In honor of our year together, I'm going to try (emphasis on try) to post some before/after pictures of the house this week...you know, show off her makeover :) Although there are still a lot of things I want to do to the house (it's true what they say, the projects never end), it'll be fun to see how far we've come in a year.
Thank you all for joining me on my home-owning journey this far...
Thank you all for joining me on my home-owning journey this far...
my new Happy room....
7:44 PM Edit This 2 Comments »I apologize in advanced...this will be a long post :) It has taken a while for me to transform my "extra" room into my new Art/Craft/Sewing room...
Back in January, I finally tackled painting this room...

I painted it a light, bright green...very cheerful :)

I had replaced the door leading from my kitchen to the backyard, and knew I wanted to take the old door and make it into a table/workbench (as I've seen done on multiple home improvement shows). It took a while, but I finally got a glass piece and put together the table one night after work.

I just used 4"x4" posts as legs (Home Depot didn't have any table legs that I liked):

I took a day off work this last week and got a lot of things done around the house; my big goal of the day, was to tackle more of this room, starting with putting up these shelves that my boss gave me (thanks Candace!!!):

I got half the shelves up by the end of the day (and the mirror), and got some organization/cleaning done... Friday I finished up the room:

When you look out of the window in this room, you look out onto the vegetable gardens.

Me...and my new favorite room...even passing by it makes me happy :)

Back in January, I finally tackled painting this room...

I painted it a light, bright green...very cheerful :)

I had replaced the door leading from my kitchen to the backyard, and knew I wanted to take the old door and make it into a table/workbench (as I've seen done on multiple home improvement shows). It took a while, but I finally got a glass piece and put together the table one night after work.

I just used 4"x4" posts as legs (Home Depot didn't have any table legs that I liked):

I took a day off work this last week and got a lot of things done around the house; my big goal of the day, was to tackle more of this room, starting with putting up these shelves that my boss gave me (thanks Candace!!!):

I got half the shelves up by the end of the day (and the mirror), and got some organization/cleaning done... Friday I finished up the room:

When you look out of the window in this room, you look out onto the vegetable gardens.

Me...and my new favorite room...even passing by it makes me happy :)

More Veggies...
9:29 PM Edit This 1 Comment »Last Saturday, while I was gone all day, my parents finished installing the last 2 raised vegetable beds. Sunday we worked on putting some more veggies in. Now we've almost filled all 4 boxes with all sorts of veggies....the latest additions are green squash/zucchini, yellow squash, beets, cucumbers, chinese peas, lettuce/greens, and a couple fruits: watermelon and cantaloupe.
We've also planted some sunflowers along the fence which will hopefully pop up nicely.

We've also planted some sunflowers along the fence which will hopefully pop up nicely.

Germinating Seeds
7:38 PM Edit This 2 Comments »I started some seeds inside a week or two ago and they have grown a lot! Some days it seemed like they grew an inch; it was so fun to see a difference in them every day. We transplanted some of them outside today (more on that later).
A few of the seed packets we bought:

Chinese Peas and Cucumbers:

Green Onion, Carrots, and Cauliflower:
Various types of lettuce:

A few of the seed packets we bought:

Chinese Peas and Cucumbers:

Green Onion, Carrots, and Cauliflower: