A family affair...
10:47 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Unfortunately for my aunt, uncle, and cousins, the bad/cold weather this weekend forced them cut their camping trip short...fortunately for me, they decided to come hang out in Temecula for a bit, and ended up helping me out on the house. So not only did I have my mom, dad, and Jen working with me, I got 4 more sets of helpful hands! My family and Jen helped with scraping floors, taking out walls (and moving electrical wires), taking out baseboards/molding (Jen is the queen at this), cleaning/vacuuming and so much more. Thanks family (and Jen) for all the help! It was so nice to get so much done in just a few hours!!!

10:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Watch out for falling walls! This Saturday, we took out part of a wall in the living room. It was fun to see something so tangible change in the space...not to mention fun swinging a sledge hammer into a wall! :) It's true that demolishing a wall is very therapeutic! I loved getting to put the first hole in the wall (yes that's me with the bandana on my head) Even my cousins enjoyed trashing a wall! Thankfully, my dad and uncle took care of moving electrical wires and outlets. Nothing like a little demo to start out the weekend!

scraping away
11:21 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
This week has involved a lot of scraping...and even more scraping. Scraping floors and scraping ceilings. Although the hardwood floors only took a few hours to pull up, the glue that is leftover on the cement is proving to be harder to remove than I thought. It's been a slow process, but we are making our way slowly. My parents have been helping me after work this week. Every set of hands helps! We've also started tackling removing the "popcorn" or "cottage cheese" ceilings. That's moving along a lot quicker than removing the glue off the floor! We have been using a sprayer (the kind that you have to pump, so it has pressure - often used in gardens) to dampen the "popcorn" a bit, then we just scrape it off. It comes off fairly easy which is a lot more rewarding than the floors! The ceilings will still need a couple more steps before they are ready to paint, but at least this step is going quickly. We're about halfway done with the living area and it's only taken a few hours...here's some pictures of the floor (you can see the scraped part in the middle) and the ceilings so far...

a clean foundation
10:15 PM Edit This 1 Comment »This past weekend was time to start the work on the house...and where better to start than then floor, or actually, the foundation. Although most people take up carpets to reveal beautiful hard wood floors that they refurbish... I did the unthinkable and actually took OUT a wood floor. The wood flooring left in the house was in pretty poor shape, and had a lot of water damage due to a previous water heater leak. Needless to say the floor needed to come out. So as my mom so nicely cleaned my kitchen, oiling cupboards and lining them (its a mom thing) as well as weeding and trimming the rose bushes, I spent the weekend tearing out the wood floors. I pulled up the majority of it on Saturday, and just finished up the last bit on Sunday. Check out the pictures below for before, during, and after pictures. (That yellow-ish stuff on the floor is left over glue that I still need to scrape up.)

12:42 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
Welcome to my blog, or more importantly and the reason for this blog - Welcome to my home!
As of about 5pm on Friday, May 16th, I became a homeowner. Crazy, I know! This may come a surprise for some of you, as there were not a lot of people who even knew I was considering buying a home. It was a fairly recent idea and in the last 2 months I found a house, made an offer...and now own it! Okay, there was a little bit more to it than that, but I don't want to bore you with all the details!
This blog will document all my renovations I do on the house as I make it truly my home. There will be many before and after pictures. So paint, floors, tools, decorating and many trips to Home Depot here I come! Enjoy the journey with me! And if any of you feel like dusting off your toolbelts...I won't turn down any volunteers to help! :)