scraping away
11:21 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
This week has involved a lot of scraping...and even more scraping. Scraping floors and scraping ceilings. Although the hardwood floors only took a few hours to pull up, the glue that is leftover on the cement is proving to be harder to remove than I thought. It's been a slow process, but we are making our way slowly. My parents have been helping me after work this week. Every set of hands helps! We've also started tackling removing the "popcorn" or "cottage cheese" ceilings. That's moving along a lot quicker than removing the glue off the floor! We have been using a sprayer (the kind that you have to pump, so it has pressure - often used in gardens) to dampen the "popcorn" a bit, then we just scrape it off. It comes off fairly easy which is a lot more rewarding than the floors! The ceilings will still need a couple more steps before they are ready to paint, but at least this step is going quickly. We're about halfway done with the living area and it's only taken a few's some pictures of the floor (you can see the scraped part in the middle) and the ceilings so far...

How much are you paying that old man to work on the ceiling, and does OSHA know about this? --- It looks great!
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