First Fruits...or, um...Veggies
8:06 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
My first veggies finally ripened a few weeks ago. The first ones to be picked were a green bell pepper, a cucumber (it's yellow...don't know why, it just is) and a squash. I'm not sure what type of squash it is, but it's a squash none-the-less. Although I only ate the bell pepper from the first picks (the cucumber seeds were a little tough...and I just wasn't sure about the squash), I have since eaten another cucumber I've picked and a tomato. We just picked a few more tomatoes tonight as they are finally starting to ripen (there are a bunch more currently green)! I also have a basil plant that I have used a lot. It's so much fun to just go to the backyard to pick things to cook with!

You are too cute! Congrats on the first fruits of your garden.
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