O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...
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Sunday was full of holiday cheer for our household. After going out to lunch, Jen and I headed over to World Market and JoAnns to buy our stockings, a bunch of lights, ornaments and the rest of the trimmings for a tree (all at 50-60% off I may add...we're smart shoppers). Next step was getting a tree, which I think took all of 2 minutes to pick out. Our tree is PERFECT! It's very full and the perfect shape (it's also a new kind of tree I haven't seen before - a Grand Fir). After stopping by Starbucks to pick up some hot chocolate, we went home, put on some Christmas music, rearranged the living room (to fit the tree) and set to trimming the tree. Below are pictures of the tree, ornaments, and our adorable stockings (with our Love and Peace stocking holders)...all in silver and gray tones to match the decor, of course. :)

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