side yard garden...
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My parents (because I'm not so good at the gardening) started a flower garden in my side yard months ago (end of Sept). These pictures range from that time up until a couple weeks ago. Many of the plants have begun to bloom and spread over the last couple moths. There are 2 lemon trees which I'm looking forward to be able to use for cooking, etc. Even more has been done since the last picture - my dad installed some lattice along the fence for the jasmine to eventually grown onto. It's very nice to be able to look out the French doors on the side and see greenery :)

The below picture is in here because me and the flagstone used for this side garden had a bad run-in. When we went to buy the flagstone, I was moving some of the pieces we wanted...well my finger got smushed in between 2 pieces... not fun. Luckily the guys at the flagstone place had done the same thing before, so they could at least tell me the shooting pain, then throbbing, then numbness would eventually go away. And they didn't even blink over the tears rolling down my face...instead they just got me some ice. (There are way more nerve endings in the end of a finger than I had ever imagined.) For a while I thought I'd loose the nail and that my finger would never be the same...but after 2 full months of healing, my finger is back to normal....

The below picture is in here because me and the flagstone used for this side garden had a bad run-in. When we went to buy the flagstone, I was moving some of the pieces we wanted...well my finger got smushed in between 2 pieces... not fun. Luckily the guys at the flagstone place had done the same thing before, so they could at least tell me the shooting pain, then throbbing, then numbness would eventually go away. And they didn't even blink over the tears rolling down my face...instead they just got me some ice. (There are way more nerve endings in the end of a finger than I had ever imagined.) For a while I thought I'd loose the nail and that my finger would never be the same...but after 2 full months of healing, my finger is back to normal....

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