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After scraping all the "popcorn" off the ceiling, my dad mudded all the joints in order to create a smooth ceiling. After the mud dried, we had to sand the entire ceiling(s) in order to make sure there were no ridges or bumps...this was a long and hard process. Sanding created SO MUCH dust...ceiling dust...here's a look at the process.

^My dad scraping the ceilings

^This is what I looked like almost every day for over a week. Head to toe covered in white dust!

^Sealing/priming the ceilings

^If you look closely, you can see the parts of the ceiling that is painted and the parts that only have primer. We have scraped, mudded, sanded, primed and painted the ceiling of my bedroom. Finally!

^My dad scraping the ceilings

^This is what I looked like almost every day for over a week. Head to toe covered in white dust!

^Sealing/priming the ceilings

^If you look closely, you can see the parts of the ceiling that is painted and the parts that only have primer. We have scraped, mudded, sanded, primed and painted the ceiling of my bedroom. Finally!
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