More color!
10:24 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
We finally finished the prep work in the living area and were able to paint. We finished painting the ceiling last weekend, and throughout the week and this Saturday we finished up the paint. The light gray we used on the ceiling we also brought down to the tops of the walls. We used a darker gray in the "dining room" area and then used a yellow in the kitchen and "sitting area." The light gray continues over all the ceiling to make the rooms more cohesive. Where the light gray meets the darker gray and yellow, there will eventually be a white molding (much like a chair rail but higher up)...once the accessories and furniture are in, everything will flow together even better. (The pictures were taken before we finished cutting in the paint around the edges and I forgot to take a picture of the kitchen...but you get the idea.)

^ light & dark grays

^ light & dark grays (the wall dividing the "dining room" and kitchen)

^ light gray & yellow

^ light gray & yellow in the "sitting area"

^ light & dark grays

^ light & dark grays (the wall dividing the "dining room" and kitchen)

^ light gray & yellow

^ light gray & yellow in the "sitting area"
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