More ceilings...
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This past week and weekend we tackled the next steps on the living area ceiling... The ceiling had already been scraped, mudded, and sanded so it was timing for priming and painting.

^ Jen helped prime the ceiling as I was finishing up some last bits of sanding

^ the start of the first coat of ceiling paint - it's a light gray, and although it looks dark in this picture, once the whole ceiling was painted it really doesn't look dark at all, and you can barely tell it's not white.

^ Ceiling finished being painted. We've finished up the 2 coats and have prepped the walls for painting...that's the next step...

^ Jen helped prime the ceiling as I was finishing up some last bits of sanding

^ the start of the first coat of ceiling paint - it's a light gray, and although it looks dark in this picture, once the whole ceiling was painted it really doesn't look dark at all, and you can barely tell it's not white.

^ Ceiling finished being painted. We've finished up the 2 coats and have prepped the walls for painting...that's the next step...
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